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Now Opens! Australia Awards Scholarships Application Round 2014/15

The Australia Awards are prestigious international scholarships and fellowships funded by the Australian Government. They offer the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia and for high-achieving Australians to do the same overseas.

The Australia Awards are a whole-of-government initiative bringing together scholarships and fellowships administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade the Department of Education and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

In 2012, the Australian Government invested $334.2 million in Australia Awards, enabling 4,900 recipients from more than 145 countries to undertake study, research and professional development. Indonesia, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea were the three largest recipient countries of Australia Awards, with 55 per cent of incoming recipients from the Asia region.

The Australian Government provides Australia Awards because it recognises that education develops skills and knowledge, builds enduring people, country and professional links, and has the power to influence positive change.

The Awards strive to develop leadership potential and stimulate lasting change by empowering a global network of talented individuals through high-quality education experiences in Australia and overseas.

Recipients return home with new ideas and knowledge, and the ability to make a significant contribution to their home countries as leaders in their field. The Awards also demonstrate Australia's commitment to providing education opportunities to improve living standards and stimulate economic growth in developing countries. For Australia, the Awards build an engaged and influential global network of leaders, advocates and change-makers and establish a network of ambassadors across the world.

Application round opens from 
February 1st until July 18th, 2014.

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